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Report No.

Inhomogeneous structures and mechanical properties of neutron star crust matter

Okamoto, Minoru; Maruyama, Toshiki  ; Yabana, Kazuhiro*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

We have numerically performed three dimensional calculation of inhomogeneous low-density nuclear matter in beta-equilibrium without any assumption on the geometry, and explored the structures and its properties. We have observed two type of nuclear pasta with different crystalline structures. One is a face-centered cubic lattice and another is a body-centered cubic lattice. So far, it has been regarded that there appears only a body-centered cubic. But in our self-consistent calculation with non-uniformity of electrons, ground-state matter has lattice structure of not only a body-centered cubic but also a face-centered cubic. We also calculated the shear modulus of neutron star crust matter using three-dimensional data we obtained. Because of the Coulomb screening, shear modulus have lower value than previous one.



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