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Report No.

Evaluation of core disruptive accident for sodium-cooled fast reactors to achieve in-vessel retention

Suzuki, Toru; Kamiyama, Kenji  ; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Kubo, Shigenobu ; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Nakai, Ryodai ; Koyama, Kazuya*

The JAEA has selected the advanced loop-type fast reactor JSFR as the most promising concept for the commercialization. The safety design requirements of JSFR for Design Extension Condition are the control of severe plant conditions, including the prevention of accident progression and the mitigation of severe-accident consequences. For the mitigation of severe-accident consequences, the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) against Core Disruptive Accidents (CDAs) is required. In order to investigate the sufficiency of these safety requirements, a CDA scenario should be constructed, in which the elimination of power excursion and the achievement of IVR are evaluated. In the present study, the factors leading to IVR failure were identified by creating phenomenological diagrams, and the effectiveness of design measures against them were evaluated based on experimental data and computer simulation. It was concluded that mechanical/thermal failures of the reactor vessel could be avoided by adequate design measures, and a clear vision for achieving IVR was obtained.



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