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 年 ~ 

Real-time X-ray diffraction of metastable phases during solidification from the undercooled LuFeO$$_{3}$$ melt by two-dimensional detector at 1 kHz


Kumar, M. V.*; 栗林 一彦*; 長汐 晃輔*; 石川 毅彦*; 岡田 純平*; Yu, J.*; 依田 眞一*; 片山 芳則

Kumar, M. V.*; Kuribayashi, Kazuhiko*; Nagashio, Kosuke*; Ishikawa, Takehiko*; Okada, Jumpei*; Yu, J.*; Yoda, Shinichi*; Katayama, Yoshinori


${it In-situ}$ identification of metastable phases formed from the undercooled LuFeO$$_{3}$$ melt under controlled oxygen partial pressure $$P$$o$$_{2}$$ was studied by X-ray diffraction measurements at a synchrotron radiation source. Real-time observation of the formation and growth of individual phases during the single recalescence of Lu$$_{3}$$Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$ and LuFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ phases at $$P$$o$$_{2}$$ of 1$$times$$10$$^{3}$$ Pa has been revealed by a high speed imaging system at 1 kHz. The obtained diffraction pattern of the metastable phase in the LuFeO$$_{3}$$ system was consistent with that of the metastable and stable phases reported in the Lu-Fe-O system.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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