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Report No.

Development of simulator for materials testing reactors; Model overview

Kollryd, T.*; Romas, A.*; Porter-Peden, M.*; Takemoto, Noriyuki ; Kimura, Nobuaki ; Ooka, Makoto; Kaminaga, Masanori  ; Ishitsuka, Tatsuo*; Tamura, Kazuo*

A simulator for materials testing reactors has been developed to be utilized for human resource development with an advancement of technology in mind. The simulator is designed based on the JMTR, and the reactor core is modeled with REMARK$$^{TM}$$, in which a 3-dimensional, 4-energy group, time dependent, diffusion theory model is applied. The thermo-hydraulic properties in the reactor vessel are modeled using RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$, which is the real-time version of RELAP5-3D code. REMARK$$^{TM}$$ interacts with the RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$ thermal hydraulic model by providing power to the moderator. The RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$ model, in return, provides thermal hydraulic feedback to the REMARK$$^{TM}$$ model. For the primary and secondary cooling loops, main heat exchangers, purification system and cooling towers, the 2-phase, 6-equation matrix solution modeling tool JTopmeret$$^{TM}$$ is used. The high fidelity level of modern simulators is not only a valuable tool for human resource training, but also an analysis tool for safety in normal/transient/accident conditions of materials testing reactors.



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