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Report No.

Development status of software Utsusemi for chopper spectrometers at MLF, J-PARC

Inamura, Yasuhiro  ; Nakatani, Takeshi ; Kajimoto, Ryoichi*  ; Suzuki, Jiro*; Otomo, Toshiya*

Our software, named "Utsusemi", has already been utilized in actual users measurements, while we are proceeding with developments for more effective use of high flux neutrons and event-recording methods. Especially, we have successfully demonstrated a measurement of a single crystal of 3D spin system; several tens of measurements by rotating the sample, and visualization of the measured data forming intensity maps in large Q space. This has been achieved by developments of software to perform automatic devices control (sample rotation and data acquisition) and to handle huge data for visualization. Also, we approach developments for the system to make and use event-recorded data from instruments information and sample environments, for example a chopper phasing, temperature and direction of a sample. These event data also can be stored by same DAQ software as neutrons and used in analysis to filter neutrons events by conditions of both an instrument and samples.



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