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Unique origin of skarn at the Ohori base metal deposit, Yamagata Prefecture, NE Japan; C, O and S isotopic study

Yokoro, Yu*; Hanamuro, Takahiro  ; Nakashima, Kazuo*

The Ohori ore deposit is one of the Cu-Pb-Zn deposits in the Green Tuff region, NE Japan. It consists of a skarn-type (Kaninomata) and a vein-type (Nakanomata) orebody. Carbon isotopic ratios of the skarn calcite are slightly lower than those of the Cretaceous skarn deposits in Japan, since the carbonaceous rock of the Kaninomata orebody originated by hydrothermal activity. Sulfur isotopic ratio of the Kaninomata and Nakanomata orebodies are mostly in a narrow range, the sulfur in both orebodies is thought to have the same origin.



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