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Report No.

Time resolved X-ray diffraction measurements on hydrogen absorption/desorption processes of hydrogen absorbing alloys

Machida, Akihiko; Higuchi, Kensuke*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Sakaki, Koji*; Kim, H.*; Nakamura, Yumiko*

We have investigated the structural properties of the hydrogen absorbing alloys on the hydrogen absorbing process. In-situ measurements are essential to elucidate the mechanism of the hydrogen storage because the hydrogen absorbing state usually keeps under the pressurized hydrogen gas environment. And then, the time-resolved measurements are one of the powerful tools for studying the gas-solid reaction processes. We have constructed the time-resolved X-ray diffraction system at BL22XU, SPring-8 in order to measure the X-ray diffraction patterns with higher time-resolution and higher quality. To demonstrate the performance of the constructed system, we have performed the time-resolved X-rays diffraction experiments for La(Ni,Al)$$_{5}$$. We have found the formation of the transient intermediate phase on hydrogen absorbing reaction process from solid solution phase to known hydride phase.



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