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Report No.

Experimental study for the proposal of design measures against cover gas entrainment and vortex cavitation with 1/11th scale reactor upper sodium plenum model of Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor

Yoshida, Kazuhiro*; Sakata, Hideyuki*; Sago, Hiromi*; Shiraishi, Tadashi*; Oyama, Kazuhiro*; Hagiwara, Hiroyuki*; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Yamamoto, Tomohiko  

To prevent the vortex cavitations, asymmetric flow in the upper plenum due to the radial slit with upper internal structure (UIS) has been mitigated by installing a cylindrical structure named as dummy plug instead of the fuel handling machine only used for refueling period. In this study, the extended brim and the division plate at the slit of UIS have been proposed in order to improve flow pattern in upper plenum for the purpose of the vortex cavitation prevention.



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