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Report No.

6-rams press for neutron diffraction experiment

Sano, Asami   ; Hattori, Takanori   ; Arima, Hiroshi*; Yamada, Akihiro*; Goto, Hirotada*; Okada, Taku*; Yagi, Takehiko*

Hydrogen is considered to play an important role in the deep mantle since it has a significant effect on the physical properties of minerals and rocks. Beamline "PLANET" at BL11, MLF in J-PARC is aimed at investigating hydrogen in minerals and rocks in the earth's interior. To generate high pressure and high temperature conditions, 6-rams multi-anvil press is installed in BL11. The press consists from six hydraulic rams mounted on a flame with maximum load of 500-ton in each ram. Each ram is controlled independently by six plunger pumps so as to retain the deviation of the anvil stroke within 10 micron. During the experiment, divergence of bottom anvil stroke and other 5 anvils stroke are in the range of 1 micron, suggesting that each ram is controlled successfully by independent plunger pump. Generated pressure was determined by resistance measurement experiment of Bi. Bi III-V transition at 7.7 GPa was detected at 1390 kN /1 ram for TEL10, 644 kN /1 ram for TEL 7 6-6 anvil.



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