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Report No.

Development of high power wide band switch for ECCD system

Saigusa, Mikio*; Atsumi, Kohei*; Yamaguchi, Tomoki*; Nagashima, Koji*; Fukunari, Masafumi*; Oda, Yasuhisa; Sakamoto, Keishi

A new type wideband diplexer as a fast switching device of high power millimeter wave has been developed for a multi-frequency electron cyclotron current drive system. The key points are design and material of half mirrors, so that sapphire disks and long slotted metal disks have been tested. The wideband (137 and 170 GHz) switching operation of the diplexer was verified using long slotted half mirrors in low power. However, long slotted mirror has poor thermal conduction, so that the short-slotted half mirror was proposed. In this presentation, the latest results of the development of wide band diplexer with new non-periodical short-slotted half mirrors is reported.



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