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Report No.

Behavior of restructuring and redistribution of actinides on 3% and 5% Am-containing MOX fuels at the initial stage of irradiation

Tanaka, Kosuke  ; Miwa, Shuhei  ; Sekine, Shinichi; Yoshimochi, Hiroshi; Obayashi, Hiroshi ; Koyama, Shinichi  

In order to confirm the effect of minor actinide addition on irradiation behavior of MOX fuel pellets, americium-containing MOX (Am-MOX) fuels containing 3% and 5% Am were irradiated for 10 minutes at 43 kW/m and for 24 hours at 45 kW/m in the experimental fast reactor Joyo. Two nominal values of the oxygen-to-metal ratio (O/M) of the fuel pellets, 1.95 and 1.98, were used as a test parameter. Emphasis was placed on the behavior of restructuring and redistribution of actinides which directly affect the fuel performance and the fuel design for fast reactors.



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