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Report No.

R&D of a zooming analysis to verify a seismic simulation of an entire nuclear plant

Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Hoshi, Yoshiyuki*; Sakamoto, Kensaku ; Nakajima, Norihiro  

We research and develop a three-dimensional vibration simulator for an entire nuclear plant aiming at technical advances for more rational safety assessment of nuclear plant under an earthquake. The simulator includes "an entire structural simulation of ground-building-equipments (beam model)" and "an assembly structural simulation of parts to equipments (solid model)". As one approach to examine the quality of solid model which consists of thousands of parts, we have established a trial tool to perform the assembly structural simulation for a small number of parts by zooming in on a part of equipments in the entire structural simulation, and to compare results. To verify the tool, we applied the tool to static and dynamic simulations for a cantilever with various cross sections, and a static simulation of a small number of parts of nuclear plant, and confirmed results for solid model well coincide with those for beam model.



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