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Magnetic behavior near the boundary of 4$$f$$ delocalization in ferromagnetic CeRu$$_2$$Ge$$_2$$ and paramagnetic CeRu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$ observed by Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ XAS and XMCD

Okane, Tetsuo  ; Takeda, Yukiharu   ; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Fujimori, Atsushi; Matsumoto, Yuji; Kimura, Noriaki*; Komatsubara, Takemi*; Aoki, Haruyoshi*

X-ray absorption (XAS) and its magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) were measured at the Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ absorption edges of ferromagnetic CeRu$$_2$$Ge$$_2$$ and paramagnetic CeRu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$: both compounds are considered to be located near the boundary of delocalization of Ce 4$$f$$ electrons. While the XAS line shape varies clearly reflecting the variation in the 4$$f$$ delocalization, the line-shape variation in XMCD is hardly discernible under various conditions of temperature and magnetic field. The XAS line-shape variation can be explained as effects of the variations in the 4$$f$$ occupation number and in the ratio of $$J$$ = 7/2 states in the ground states, both of which are closely related to the 4$$f$$ delocalization. The 4$$f$$ delocalization also causes a decrease in the ratio of the orbital magnetic moment to the spin magnetic moment. The magnetic-field dependence of XAS suggests that the Ce 4$$f$$ electrons retain a delocalized character across the metamagnetic transition in CeRu$$_2$$Si$$_2$$.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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