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Report No.

Overview of the ICRP/ICRU adult reference computational phantoms and dose conversion coefficients for external idealised exposures

Endo, Akira   ; Petoussi-Henss, N.*; Zankl, M.*; Bolch, W. E.*; Eckerman, K. F.*; Hertel, N. E.*; Hunt, J. G.*; Pelliccioni, M.*; Schlattl, H.*; Menzel, H.-G.*

In 2007, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) revised its fundamental recommendations on radiation protection in ICRP Publication 103 (ICRP103). The recommendations updated the radiation and tissue weighting factors in the radiological protection quantities, equivalent and effective doses, and adopted reference computational phantoms for the calculation of organ doses. These revisions required calculations of conversion coefficients for the protection quantities. The sets of conversion coefficients for external exposures were compiled by the Task Group DOCAL of ICRP, and published in ICRP116. The presentation reviews the conversion coefficients for external radiations calculated using the reference computational phantoms. The conversion coefficients are compared with the existing values given in ICRP74. Contributing factors for any differences between these sets of conversion coefficients as well as the impact for radiation monitoring practice are discussed.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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