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Report No.

Development of numerical simulation method for relocation behavior of molten debris in nuclear reactors, 1; Preliminary analysis of relocation of molten debris to lower plenum

Yamashita, Susumu   ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki

In accidents of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants, by stop of the emergency core cooling system, fuel rods were overheated due to the radioactive decay heat and the oxidization of fuel cladding. It is considered that the core degradation occurred because fuels, control rods, and other components in a reactor vessel was melted and relocated. In order to estimate progress of the degradation phenomena in the reactor core, a numerical simulation code that can precisely evaluate the melting phenomena is required. Therefore a numerical simulation method for predicting the melting core behavior including solidification and relocation based on the three-dimensional multi-phase thermal-hydraulic simulation code has been developed in JAEA. From the present numerical results, it was confirmed that relocation of molten debris in the BWR lower plenum can be simulated by the currently developed code including effects of melting and solidification of debris.



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