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Void fraction distributions of inert gas jets across a single cylinder with non-wetting surface in liquid sodium

Kudo, Hideyuki*; Zhao, D.*; Sugiyama, Kenichiro*; Narabayashi, Tadashi*; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kurihara, Akikazu 

Little work on the void fraction behaviors along structural materials with poor-wettability for liquid metals has been performed. In the present study, void fraction behaviors around a single cylinder with non-wetting surface condition were quantitatively discussed by using a gas jet-cylinder system where the impinging jet flow, the boundary layer flow, the separation flow, and the wake flow appear. The characteristics in each flow field as well as the relationship between flow fields, which have not been quantitatively discussed so far, are obtained. The local void fraction around a single cylinder with wetting condition or non-wetting condition was measured by using resistivity probes.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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