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Report No.

Selection of fuel-debris properties required for defueling work at post severe accident

Ikeuchi, Hirotomo  ; Kitagaki, Toru  ; Wakui, Ryohei; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji ; Yano, Kimihiko ; Kaji, Naoya; Washiya, Tadahiro 

For the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP (1F), removal of fuel-debris from the reactor is necessary. In this paper, fuel-debris properties needed for the development of defueling tools were estimated by the following steps. First, the defueling process of Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) is summarized briefly. Considering the knowledge of TMI-2 and the tentative results of core-melt analysis of 1F, defueling condition and process for 1F are assumed. Then candidate defueling tools are listed based on expected damaged core condition. Consequently, some physical properties on the fuel-debris which affect applicability of the tools were selected tentatively. In this investigation, mechanical properties such as hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness are identified as high priority items to be measured using simulated debris. With reflecting these data, appropriate candidate materials for mock-up test of defueling tools will be designed.



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