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Report No.

Synthesis and thermo-chemial stability of Li target for nuetron production target of BNCT by in-situ lithium deposition and ion implantation

Ishiyama, Shintaro; Baba, Yuji  ; Fujii, Ryo*; Nakamura, Masaru*; Imahori, Yoshio*

To achieve high performance of BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) device, Li$$_{3}$$N/Li/Pd/Cu four layered Li target was designed and the structures of the synthesized four layered target were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. For the purpose of avoiding the radiation blistering and lithium evaporation, ${it in-situ}$ vacuum deposition and nitridation techniques were established for ${it in-situ}$ production and repairing maintenance of the lithium target. Following conclusions were derived;(1) Uniform lithium layer of a few hundreds nanometer was formed on Pd/Cu multilayer surface by ${it in-situ}$ vacuum deposition technique using metallic lithium as a source materialand lithium nitrides were formed by ${it in-situ}$ nitridation reaction by the implantation of low-energy nitrogen ions on the deposited lithium layer surface. (2) This nitridated zone formed on surface of four layered lithium target is stable for a long time in air condition.



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