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Report No.

Long-term stability of fracture systems and their behaviour as flow paths in uplifting granitic rocks from the Japanese orogenic field

Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Metcalfe, R.*; Ishibashi, Masayuki; Minami, Masayo*

In granitic rocks fracture networks provide pathways for groundwater flow and solute transport that need to be understood to assess the long-term performance of deep underground environment. In order to clarify the long-term processes, Japanese plutons of different ages were studied. Detailed investigation of in-situ fracture fillings sampled from a depth of 300 meters was carried out to clarify the fracturing and mineral infilling processes. Different plutons show identical episodes, consisting of: brittle tensile fracturing (Stage I); relatively rapid uplifting accompanied by hydrothermal water circulation that produced fracture fillings (Stage II); and a period of low-temperature meteoric water circulation (Stage III). The paragenesis of carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate minerals show that there were distinct episodes of mineral precipitation. The evolution of fillings identified here enable development of a model of fracturing and persistence of fluid conducting systems.



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Category:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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