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Report No.

Evidence for rigid triaxial deformation at low energy in $$^{76}$$Ge

Toh, Yosuke   ; Chiara, C. J.*; McCutchan, E. A.*; Walters, W. B.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Zhu, S.*; Broda, R.*; Fornal, B.*; Kay, B. P.*; Kondev, F. G.*; Kr$'o$las, W.*; Lauritsen, T.*; Lister, C. J.*; Pawlat, T.*; Seweryniak, D.*; Stefanescu, I.*; Stone, N. J.*; Wrzesi$'n$ski, J.*; Higashiyama, Koji*; Yoshinaga, Naotaka*

Excited states of $$^{76}$$Ge have been investigated via the $$^{76}$$Ge + $$^{238}$$U reaction with $$E(^{76}$$Ge$$)=530$$ MeV by use of in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy using the $$gamma$$ sphere array. The $$gamma$$ band was extended considerably and one new band was identified. Comparisons of the $$gamma$$ band with collective- and shell-model calculations suggest that $$^{76}$$Ge may be a rare example of a nucleus exhibiting rigid triaxial deformation in the low-lying states.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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