Direct measurement of surface stress during Bi-mediated Ge growth on Si
朝岡 秀人
; 山崎 竜也*; 山口 憲司; 社本 真一
; Filimonov, S.*; 末光 眞希*
Asaoka, Hidehito; Yamazaki, Tatsuya*; Yamaguchi, Kenji; Shamoto, Shinichi; Filimonov, S.*; Suemitsu, Maki*
We have focused on stress measurements during Bi termination of Si(111) and Ge growth on this Bi-mediated Si(111). In order to obtain information on both the surface stress and the surface structure simultaneously, we have combined the surface-curvature and the reflection-high-electron-energy-diffraction instrumentations in an identical ultrahigh vacuum system. We find the Bi-terminated Si(111) 

surface releases 1.8 N/m (=J/m
), or (1.4 eV/(1
1 unit cell)), of the surface energy from the strong tensile Si(111) 7
7 reconstruction. Subsequent Ge deposition on the Bi-terminated Si surface develops a compressive stress, which oscillates with a period corresponding to the growth of a single bilayer. The real-time stress measurement provides a direct evidence for this oscillatory stress relaxation in the layer-by-layer growth.