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Report No.

LSTF test on cet performance during PWR hot leg small-break LOCA and RELAP5 analysis

Takeda, Takeshi ; Otsu, Iwao ; Nakamura, Hideo  

An OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Project experiment was conducted with the LSTF simulating a PWR hot leg small-break LOCA with a break size equivalent to 1.5% cold leg break under an assumption of total failure of HPI system as a counterpart to PKL-2 Project test. Major test objectives are to clarify responses of CETs versus cladding surface temperature at both of high- and low-pressure conditions corresponding to the pressure range of LSTF and PKL. Core uncovery took place in both phases with no reflux condensate. The observed peak temperature in the core was higher in the low-pressure phase because of longer core uncovery duration though core power and primary pressure were lower than in the high-pressure phase. One-dimensional representation of the core by RELAP5/MOD3.2.1.2 code indicated a limitation in the accuracy of CET responses. The lack in the multi-dimensional steam flow representation had a difficulty in the correct prediction of the peak steam temperature at the core exit.



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