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Report No.

Single crystal growth and transport properties of RRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ (R = La and Pr)

Sakoda, Masahito*; Kubota, Kazuhiro*; Tanaka, Shuhei*; Matsuoka, Eiichi*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Haga, Yoshinori   

We have succeeded in growing single crystals of RRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ (R =La and Pr), and measured their electrical resistivity and Hall effect to gain the deeper insight of the physical properties of CeRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ which exhibits an unusual long-range order (LRO) below $$T_0 sim$$ 27 K. The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity of both LaRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ and PrRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$ show the typical metallic behavior without any phase transition. The Hall effect measurements reveal that the carrier number of CeRu2Al10 in the LRO region is about 30 times smaller than that of LaRu$$_{2}$$Al$$_{10}$$, indicating highly different electronic states between these compounds below $$T_0$$.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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