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Report No.

Kinetic study of sodium-water surface reaction by differential thermal analysis

Kikuchi, Shin  ; Seino, Hiroshi ; Kurihara, Akikazu ; Ohshima, Hiroyuki

For the purpose of elucidating the mechanism of the sodium-water surface reaction in a steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactors, kinetic study of the sodium (Na)-sodium hydroxide (NaOH) reaction has been carried out by using Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) technique. The parameters, including melting points of Na and NaOH, phase transition temperature of NaOH, Na-NaOH reaction temperature, and decomposition temperature of sodiumhydride (NaH) have been identified from DTA curves. Na, NaOH and Na$$_{2}$$O as major chemicalspecies were identified from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the residues after the DTA experiment. It was inferred that Na$$_{2}$$O could be generated as a reaction product. Based on the measured reaction temperature, the rate constant of sodium monoxide (Na$$_{2}$$O) generation was obtained by the application of the laws of chemical kinetics. From the estimated rate constant, it was confirmed that Na$$_{2}$$O generation should be considered during the sodium-water reaction.



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