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Report No.

On the design of experiments to study extreme field limits

Bulanov, S. S.*; Chen, M.*; Schroeder, C. B.*; Esarey, E.*; Leemans, W. P.*; Bulanov, S. V.; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Kando, Masaki; Koga, J. K.; Zhidkov, A. G.*; Chen, P.*; Mur, V. D.*; Narozhny, N. B.*; Popov, V. S.*; Thomas, A. G. R.*; Korn, G.*

We propose the experiments on the collision of intense laser pulses with energetic electron bunches and on the collision of two or more intense laser pulses for studying extreme field limits in the nonlinear interaction of electromagnetic waves. The regimes of dominant radiation reaction, which completely changes the electromagnetic wave matter interaction, will be revealed in such experiments. This will result in a new powerful source of ultra short high brightness $$gamma$$-ray pulses. A possibility of the demonstration of the electron positron pair creation from vacuum in the collision of two or more intense laser pulses is discussed.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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