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Report No.

Hydrochemical investigation at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Compilation of groundwater chemistry data in Mizunami group and Toki granite (fiscal year 2011)

Omori, Kazuaki; Shingu, Shinya; Hagiwara, Hiroki  ; Masuda, Kaoru*; Iizuka, Masatoshi*; Inui, Michiharu*; Iwatsuki, Teruki  

Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been investigated the groundwater chemistry on excavating the underground facilities as part of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project at Mizunami, Gifu, Japan. This report compiles data of the groundwater chemistry obtained at MIU in the fiscal year 2011. In terms of ensuring traceability of data, basic information (e.g. sampling location, sampling date, sampling method, analytical method) and methodology for quality control is described.



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