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Report No.

Report of the International Forum on Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia

Tazaki, Makiko ; Yamamura, Tsukasa; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Kuno, Yusuke; Mochiji, Toshiro

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency held "International Forum on Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security; Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for the back end of nuclear fuel cycle and regional cooperation in Asia" on 12 and 13 December 2012. In the forum, 5 keynote speakers respectively explained their views and efforts regarding challenges for peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear non-proliferation. In two panel discussions, entitled "Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security of nuclear fuel cycle back end" and "Measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security for nuclear energy use in the Asian region and a multilateral cooperative framework", active discussions were initiated among panelists. This report includes abstracts of keynote speeches, summaries of two panel discussions and materials of the presentations in the forum.



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