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Report No.

Supposed existence of Np$$^{4+}$$ in a genuine dissolver solution from the results of extraction simulation by PARC-L code

Asakura, Toshihide; Hotoku, Shinobu ; Morita, Yasuji  

With a genuine spent fuel soltuion (a dissolver solution), a laboratory-scale reprocessing experiment of an extraction-separation process was performed using mixer-settlers as extactors. In the experiment, n-butyraldehyde was utilized as a reducing reagent of Np$$^{(VI)}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ to Np$$^{(V)}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$ for the purpose to distinguish Np$$^{(VI)}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ from Np$$^{4+}$$. From the Np concentration in the aqueous phase, Np would be extracted from the dissolver solution together with U and Pu. The scrutiny of Np behavior was performed utilizing 66 cases of calculation results by a Japan Atomic Energy Agency open extraction simulation code, the Programm for Advanced Extraction with Radiation Effect Calculation-Lightened version. From the scrutiny, the authors found that the calculation result with 60% of Np$$^{4+}$$ in the dissolver solution represented the best experimental extraction-separtion behavior of Np. Therefore, it was supposed that the dissolver solution contained sufficient proportion of Np$$^{4+}$$ to affect the extraction-separation behavior of Np.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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