※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

減原子力シナリオの特性評価,2; エネルギーシナリオの検討

Characteristic assessment of nuclear energy capacity reduction, 2; Study for energy scenario

向井田 恭子  ; 塩谷 洋樹; 小野 清 ; 難波 隆司

Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi


The future energy scenarios were studied for the characteristic and signification study of nuclear energy use including FR cycle. As a result of this study, the scenarios including conservation or decrease of nuclear power use were created in the high productivity society where high technique, environmental awareness spread in the demand and supply side, the middle productivity society where sluggish the spread in one side, and the low productivity society where sluggish the spread in both side.



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