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Report No.

Determining the $$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section using the surrogate ratio method

Czeszumska, A.*; Angell, C.; Burke, J. T.*; Scielzo, N. D.*; Norman, E. B.*; Austin, R. A. E.*; Boutoux, G.*; Casperson, R. J.*; Chodash, P.*; Hughes, R. O.*; Mattoon, C. M.*; M$'e$ot, V.*; Munson, J.*; Phair, L.*; Ressler, J. J.*; Roig, O.*; Ross, T. J.*; Swanberg, E.*; Wang, B.*

Neutron-induced fission cross section data are needed in various fields of applied and basic nuclear science. However, cross sections of short-lived nuclei are difficult to measure directly due to experimental constraints. The first experimental determination of the neutron-induced fission cross section of $$^{239}$$Np at non-thermal energies was performed. The Surrogate Ratio Method (SRM) was employed to indirectly deduce the $$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section. The surrogate reactions used were $$^{236}$$U$$(rm ^3He,p)$$ and $$^{238}$$U$$(rm ^3He,p)$$ with the reference cross section given by the well-known $$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section. The ratio of observed fission reactions resulting from the two formed compound nuclei, $$^{238}$$Np and $$^{240}$$Np, was multiplied by the directly-measured $$^{237}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section to determine the$$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section. The $$^{239}$$Np($$n$$,$$f$$) cross section was determined with an uncertainty ranging between 3 - 30% over the energy range of 0.2 - 20 MeV.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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