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Report No.

Application of hyper-molecular dynamics to self-interstitial diffusion in $$alpha$$-iron

Abe, Yosuke  

The diffusion process of a single self-interstitial atom (SIA) in $$alpha$$-iron was studied by a hyper-molecular dynamics (hyper-MD) method that has been demonstrated to efficiently accelerate slow diffusive conformational transitions that occur in various materials. By adding a local bias potential, the acceleration of the dynamics becomes significantly higher at lower temperatures, e.g., on the order of 5 at 300 K, without changing the dynamics of the diffusion process as calculated using a conventional MD simulation. The validity of the results demonstrates that the hyper-MD method with an appropriate local bias potential can be applicable for determination of the diffusion process of SIAs in bulk materials.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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