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Report No.

Summary of the ARIES Town Meeting; Edge plasma physics and plasma material interactions in the fusion power plant regime

Tillack, M. S.*; Turnbull, A. D.*; Kessel, C. E.*; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Garofalo, A. M.*; Holland, C.*; Koch, F.*; Linsmeier, Ch.*; Lisgo, S.*; Maingi, R.*; Majeski, R.*; Menard, J.*; Najmabadi, F.*; Nygren, R.*; Rognlien, T. D.*; Ryutov, D. D.*; Stambaugh, R. D.*; Stangeby, P. C.*; Stotler, D. P.*

This review summarizes the presentations and discussions by experts in the fields of edge plasma physics and plasma material interactions at a workshop organized for the purpose of evaluating current status and extrapolating forward to the post-ITER power plant regime. The topics included physics, modelling, experimental results, benchmarking and programme planning.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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