Current status of JRR-3 and its engineering diffractometers
Suzuki, Hiroshi
; Wakimoto, Shuichi
; Matsue, Hideaki
; Shibayama, Mitsuhiro*; Kakurai, Kazuhisa
Instruments in JRR-3 have been continuously upgraded, and produced many interesting results in research fields of materials and life science. JRR-3 has been unfortunately out of service for a long time due to the earthquake occurred on March 11th, 2011. The damage of instruments in the JRR-3 due to the earthquake was not so serious, so fortunately they have already been recovered from the disaster. However, lost alignment in neutron guide tubes estimates about 85% neutron flux of before the disaster even after the realignment. Meanwhile, we have undertaken not only recovery but also improvement, e.g., replacing the cold neutron guides with the supermirror guide tube for increasing their neutron flux. On the other hand, the JRR-3 Users Office was started in Apr., 2010 to provide user supports for 18 instruments owned by JAEA. They have recently worked to improve the user-interface like establishments of the JRR-3 publication database and the new proposal application system, RING. Furthermore, they have dedicated their efforts to internationalization for accepting international users in near future. In this presentation, we will introduce current status of JRR-3 after the earthquake including present user support system as well as some research topics especially in neutron engineering diffraction.