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 年 ~ 

Sinterability and mechanical properties of plasma-sintered beryllides with different Ti contents


金 宰煥; 中道 勝

Kim, Jae-Hwan; Nakamichi, Masaru

The synthesis of plasma-sintered beryllide with different Ti contents was carried out to investigate the sinterability and mechanical properties as a function of the phase composition. The electron probe microanalysis clarified that the area fraction of the Be$$_{12}$$Ti phase increased up to a Be-7.7 at.% Ti and then sharply decreased while the area fraction of Be decreased. Specifically, in the Be-6 at.% Ti, Be$$_{17}$$Ti$$_{2}$$ and Be$$_{2}$$Ti phases began to be formed. For the Be-10.5 at.% Ti, a large amount of the Be$$_{17}$$Ti$$_{2}$$ phase was detected. These results are in good agreement with the X-ray diffraction profiles obtained for the plasma-sintered beryllide with different Ti contents. In addition, the Vickers micro-hardness test results clearly prove that with increasing Ti content, the hardness increased but then became saturated near Be-7.7 at.% Ti. This hardness variation does not seem to be related to the grain size effect because the grain size increased with increasing Ti content.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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