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Report No.

Plutonium partitioning in uranium and plutonium co-recovery system for fast reactor fuel recycling with enhanced nuclear proliferation resistance

Nakahara, Masaumi; Koma, Yoshikazu  ; Nakajima, Yasuo  

In order to develop a fast reactor fuel reprocessing, countercurrent extraction experiments for Pu reduction partitioning method with hydroxylamine nitrate and acid split method without Pu reductant were carried out. In the Pu reduction method, a part of U was co-recovered with Pu because the U scrubbing part can be deleted in the Pu partitioning section. On the other hand, acid split method experimental results indicate that almost all Pu was recovered with U by supplying diluted HNO$$_{3}$$ solution in the Pu partitioning section. This study shows that not only Pu reduction partitioning but also acid split methods are effective for fast reactor fuel reprocessing.



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