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Report No.

Environmental radiation monitoring resulting from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, conducted by Oarai Research and Development Center, JAEA; Results of ambient gamma-ray dose rate, atmospheric radioactivity and meteorological observation

Yamada, Junya ; Seya, Natsumi ; Haba, Risa ; Muto, Yasunobu; Numari, Hideyuki*; Sato, Naomitsu*; Nemoto, Koji*; Takasaki, Hiroichi*; Shimizu, Takehiko; Takasaki, Koji  

This report presents the results of emergency radiation monitoring, including ambient $$gamma$$-ray dose rate, atmospheric radioactivity, meteorological observation and estimation of internal exposure resulting from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triggered by the earthquake off the pacific coast of Tohoku on 11th March 2011, conducted by Oarai Research and Development Center (ORDC), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) from March to May, 2011. ORDC is located in the central part of Ibaraki prefecture and approximately 130 km southwest of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. From around 15th to 21st March, 2011, the ambient $$gamma$$-ray dose rate increased and many radioactive nuclides were detected in the atmosphere.



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