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Report No.

Construction of a SXES spectrometer for a conventional SEM

Terauchi, Masami*; Koshiya, Shogo*; Sato, Futami*; Takahashi, Hideyuki*; Handa, Nobuo*; Murano, Takanori*; Koike, Masato; Imazono, Takashi; Koeda, Masaru*; Nagano, Tetsuya*; Sasai, Hiroyuki*; Oue, Yuki*; Yonezawa, Zeno*; Kuramoto, Satoshi*

We have been developed and tested soft-X-ray emission spectroscopy (SXES) instruments by attaching to TEM and EPMA. The spectrometer has an energy range form 50-4000 eV by using four varied-line-spacing (aberration corrected) gratings. This SXES spectrometer inform us energy states of valence electrons (bonding electrons) form an identified specimen area by electron microscopy, which cannot be obtained by EELS and EDS. This provides not only the probing method for the energy states of valence electrons but also a sensitive tool for elemental and chemical identification. The spectrometer has applied also to a SEM (JEOL JSM-6480LV). As SEM can use a larger probe current and excitation volume of specimen than those of TEM, the detection time is about one order shorter than that of TEM. The energy resolution evaluated at AL-L$$_{3}$$edge is 0.16 eV. The spectrum of LaB$$_{6}$$ shows apparent intensity corresponds to B-K Fermi edge, showing chemical state of boron.



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