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Report No.

Cooperation on impingement wastage experiment of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel using SWAT-1R sodium-water reaction test facility

Beauchamp, F.*; Nishimura, Masahiro ; Umeda, Ryota ; Allou, A.*

T91 is one of the material candidates of SGU tubes for future sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). Wastage characterization of T91 is needed to evaluate the consequences for safety and the availability of the SGU. Six T91 target tubes were incorporated in the SWR test facility (SWAT-1R) of JAEA and subjected to reaction jets. All tubes were successfully penetrated by the reaction jets, and the wastage rates were determined. This paper describes the SWAT-1R facility, the test procedure and operating conditions, and brings out the main results and experience gained through the wastage experiments.



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