Applicability evaluation of tagging-gas failed fuel detection and location system for sodium-cooled large reactor
相澤 康介
; 近澤 佳隆

Aizawa, Kosuke; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka
Failed fuel detection and location system for an advanced loop-type sodium-cooled large fast reactor has been studied. In this study, a Tagging-gas (Tag) FFDL system has been investigated. Main concerns of the Tag-FFDL are; gap conductance decrease in the fuel pins and irradiation changing the isotope ratio of tagging gas. The heat conductivity of Kr and Xe used for the tagging gas are lower than that of He used in gas plenum of fuel pin. Thus, maximum fuel temperature with tagging gas FFDL system was analyzed to evaluate tagging gas effect on the fuel temperature. It is expected that the isotope ratio change due to irradiation becomes larger than conventional ones, since JSFR adopts high burnup fuel. Therefore, tag gas isotope change in the JSFR condition has been evaluated regarding transmutation and fission gas release. From the results of the investigations, applicability of Tag-FFDL for JSFR has been evaluated.