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 年 ~ 

Developing protocol for screening of drought/salt tolerant mutants with ion beam mutagenesis in ${it Populus}$ sp.


Biswas, K.; 毛利 武*; 古川原 聡*; 鳴海 一成; 大野 豊

Biswas, K.; Mori, Takeshi*; Kogawara, Satoshi*; Narumi, Issei; Ono, Yutaka

Poplars are economically important trees that are favored for plantation forestry due to their capacity for rapid juvenile growth, which allows us to harvest them in a short span of time. However the rapid growth of poplar is dependent on access to plantation sites with sufficient water and this is problematic, particularly in less rainfall area. The patterns of episodic drought over the last decade suggest that the development of drought tolerant mutant plants could be a promising approach to increase sustained vegetation biomass and forest productivity. In this study, a forward genetics approach has been taken for developing drought/salt tolerant mutants by means of ion beams and in vitro regeneration system in ${it Populus}$.



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