Conceptual design of small-sized HTGR system, 4; Plant design and technical feasibility
Ohashi, Hirofumi ; Sato, Hiroyuki ; Yan, X. ; Sumita, Junya ; Nomoto, Yasunobu; Tazawa, Yujiro; Noguchi, Hiroki ; Imai, Yoshiyuki ; Tachibana, Yukio
JAEA has started a conceptual design of a 50MWt small-sized high temperature gas cooled reactor for steam supply and electricity generation (HTR50S), which is a first-of-kind of the commercial plant or a demonstration plant of a small-sized HTGR system for steam supply to the industries and district heating and electricity generation by a steam turbine. The plant design of HTR50S for the steam supply and electricity generation was performed based on the plant specification and the requirements for each system taking into account for the increase of the reactor outlet coolant temperature from 750C to 900C and the installation of IHX. The technical feasibility of HTR50S was confirmed because the designed systems satisfies the design requirements. The conceptual plant layout was also determined. This paper provides the summary of the plan design and technical feasibility of HTR50S.