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Report No.

Diagnostics of laser-accelerated ion beams using CR-39 and ZnS(Ag) fluorescent screen

Kanasaki, Masato; Fukuda, Yuji; Sakaki, Hironao; Yogo, Akifumi; Jinno, Satoshi   ; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ogura, Koichi; Akagi, Takashi*; Kondo, Kiminori; Oda, Keiji*; Yamauchi, Tomoya*

Recently, high energy protons with a maximum energy of 40 MeV have been generated by laser-driven ion acceleration experiment with solid target. Although, the CR-39 detectors have been widely utilized in the laser-driven ion acceleration experiments, it has not been carried out the precise analysis for each etch pit. In the present study, we have applied the multi-step etching technique to stacked CR-39 detector unit which is irradiated by laser-accelerated protons. This method allows us to measure the maximum energy of proton precisely, which can obtain high energy resolution with uncertainty $$Delta$$E = 0.1 MeV. And also we have carried out the on-line measurement using ZnS(Ag) fluorescent screen for laser-accelerated ion beams.



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