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Fluorescence decay processes following resonant 2p photoexcitation of Ar atoms and clusters studied using a time-resolved fluorescence and photoion coincidence technique


下條 竜夫*; 池上 剛史*; 本間 健二*; Harries, J.; 為則 雄祐*

Gejo, Tatsuo*; Ikegami, Takeshi*; Homma, Kenji*; Harries, J.; Tamenori, Yusuke*

The novel spectroscopic technique of time-resolved fluorescence-photo-ion coincidence spectroscopy (TFPICO) has been applied to the investigation of the decay processes of 2p inner-shell excited Ar atoms and clusters. For the Ar atom, only that fluorescence accompanying the production of Ar$$^+$$ showed a strong dependence on excitation energy. This dependence is discussed in terms of competing Auger decay processes. For Ar clusters, the TFPICO spectra for dimer ions (Ar$$_2$$)$$^+$$ revealed long-lifetime fluorescence components which can be attributed to the "third excimer continuum". With this work we demonstrate the usefulness of this technique for investigating the decay processes of inner-shell excited atoms and clusters.



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