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Report No.

Towards coherent control of SASE pulses using propagation through helium gas at wavelengths corresponding to double excitation

Harries, J.; Nagasono, Mitsuru*; Iwayama, Hiroshi*; Shigemasa, Eiji*

Using the third harmonic of the FEL radiation from the SPring-8 compact SASE source SCSS we have studied the effects on SASE (self-amplified stimulated emission) pulses with central wavelengths near 20 nm due to passage through a helium gas cell. The positions of zero ionisation cross-section close to wavelengths corresponding to double-excitations allow operation as an efficient wavelength filter, with effectively 100% transmitted peak intensity until the Doppler-broadening limit is reached. We discuss how the time profile of the SASE pulses is affected, and discuss potential applications.



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