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Report No.

Compact XFEL and AMO sciences; SACLA and SCSS

Yabashi, Makina*; Tanaka, Hitoshi*; Tanaka, Takashi*; Tomizawa, Hiromitsu*; Togashi, Tadashi*; Nagasono, Mitsuru*; Ishikawa, Tetsuya*; Harries, J.; Hikosaka, Yasumasa*; Hishikawa, Akiyoshi*; Nagaya, Kiyonobu*; Saito, Norio*; Shigemasa, Eiji*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Ueda, Kiyoshi*

The concept, design, and performance of Japan's compact FEL facilities, the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source test accelerator (SCSS) and SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA), and their applications are reviewed. At SCSS, intense, ultrafast FEL pulses at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths have been utilized for investigating various multiphoton processes in atoms, molecules and clusters by means of ion and electron spectroscopy. The quantum optical effect superfluorescence has been observed with EUV excitation. A pump-probe technique combining FEL pulses with near infrared laser pulses has been realized to study the ultrafast dynamics of atoms, molecules and clusters in the sub-picosecond regime. At SACLA, deep inner-shell multiphoton ionization by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses has been investigated. The development of seeded FEL sources for producing transversely and temporally coherent light, as well as the expected impact on advanced science are discussed.



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