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Report No.

Evaluation of sodium combustion in the JSFR SCCV

Kato, Atsushi ; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  ; Yamamoto, Tomohiko  ; Ohno, Shuji  ; Kubo, Shigenobu ; Sakaba, Hiroshi*; Akiyama, Yo*; Iwasaki, Mikinori*

After the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, evaluations of severe events beyond the design basis on a NPP are focused. As one of those activities, wide range of sodium combustion and hydrogen generation potentials have been analyzed to investigate potential consequences on SCCV. Structural and boundary integrity of SCCV have been evaluated from sodium combustion analyses for pressure and temperature loads. Hydrogen generation has also been evaluated as potential loads of SCCV.



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