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A New method to analyze $$^{242m}$$Am in low-level radioactive waste based on extraction chromatography and $$beta$$-ray spectrometry

Shimada, Asako ; Kameo, Yutaka ; Takahashi, Kuniaki 

A new method for identifying $$^{242m}$$Am in low-level radioactive waste (LLW) using $$beta$$-ray spectrometry is proposed. First, Eu, Am, and Cm in a digested solution of simulated LLW were separated from the major components of the digested solution and Pu using transuranium resin. Next, Am and Cm were separated from Eu using tetravalent actinide resin. A $$beta$$-ray spectrum of the fraction containing Am and Cm was recorded and the contribution of $$^{237}$$Np, which is a daughter nuclide of $$^{243}$$Am, was subtracted to determine the radioactivity of $$^{242}$$Am. The radioactivity of $$^{242m}$$Am determined by $$beta$$-ray spectrometry agreed with that obtained by analyzing the increase in $$^{242}$$Cm in the Am fraction just after its separation from Cm with tertiary pyridine resin.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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