Feasibility study of passive spectrometry of molten core material from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station unit 1, 2 and 3 cores for special nuclear material accountancy; Low-volatile FP and special nuclear material inventory analysis and fundamental characteristics of -rays from fuel debris
Sagara, Hiroshi; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke
Feasibility study of spectrometry of molten core material from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1, 2 and 3 cores for special nuclear material accountancy has been performed, focusing on the low-volatile fission product and heavy metal inventory analysis, and fundamental characteristics of -ray from fuel debris for passive measurement. The inventory ratio of low-volatile lanthanides, Eu and Ce, to special nuclear material were evaluated by whole core inventory in unit 1, 2 and 3 cores as reference value for homogenized molten fuel material, and also as a function of burnup for specific fuel debris, considering the sensitivity of enrichment, specific power, water void fraction, cooling time, calculation tool accuracy and release ratio. The same indices could be applied to unit 3, while the uncertainty of specific fuel debris of separated MOX fuel would be increased significantly. Source photon spectrum results showed the detectability of low-volatile high energy -rays emitted from Eu at least in 20 years after the accident, that from Ce/Pr in 10 years, and volatile Cs and Cs at least in 20 years with 99% or more release ratio. Mass attenuation coefficients of fuel debris was evaluated to be insensitive to its compositions in high energy region. Leakage photon ratio was evaluated with variety of parameters and significant impact was confirmed with certain size of fuel debris, its correlation was summarized with respect to the photopeak ratio of source Eu. Finally, preliminary study with hypothetical canister model of fuel debris based on TMI-2 experience, and future plan were introduced.