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Report No.

Suggestion of typical phases of in-vessel fuel-debris by thermodynamic calculation for decommissioning technology of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Ikeuchi, Hirotomo  ; Kondo, Yoshikazu*; Noguchi, Yoshihiro*; Yano, Kimihiko ; Kaji, Naoya; Washiya, Tadahiro 

For the decommissioning of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), characterization of fuel-debris in cores of Unit 1-3 is necessary. In this study, typical phases of fuel-debris generated in reactor pressure vessel were suggested by means of thermodynamic calculation using compositions of core materials and core temperatures. At low ogygen potential where metallic zirconium remains, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, and ZrO$$_{2}$$ were formed as oxides, and oxygen-dispersed Zr, Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U), and Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$ were formed as metals. With an increase in zirconium oxidation, the mass of those metals, especially Fe$$_{3}$$UZr$$_{2}$$, were decreased, but the other phases of metals hardly changed qualitatively. Consequently, (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ is suggested as a typical phase of oxide, and Fe$$_{2}$$(Zr,U) is suggested as that of metal. This result can contribute to the characterization of debris in 1F, which will be also revised by considering the effect of iron content in RPV.



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