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Report No.

Learning from our communication efforts after the nuclear disaster

Yamamoto, Ryuichi

The risk communication office of Nuclear fuel Cycle engineering Laboratories in JAEA has experience of the risk communication research more than ten years. Suffering the nuclear hazard which occurred on March 11, 2011, the risk communication office started interactive communication activity aiming at the improvement in literacy about the civic radiation and radioactivity of Ibaraki Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture by making it into a background. This aimed at the uneasiness of the citizen by the improvement in literacy, and anxious mitigation. In this activity, the questionnaire survey is conducted simultaneously and it has already been going to just introduce analysis of that result by several pieces of verbal reports since the AESJ autumn convention of last year. Here, the meaning and suggestion which can be drawn up from there are discussed, quoting the data of a previous report.



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